Kurt Semm
Economist - Water Resources and Management
Term Associate Professor, Barnard College at Columbia University,
Junior Economist at the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) -

2023 New School for Social Research, New York, NY
Ph.D. Candidate, Economics Department
Dissertation: “Capitalist Development and Water Management: A Case Study of Southwest US”
Dissertation Committee: Clara Mattei, Ying Chen, Anwar Shaikh
2020 New School for Social Research, New York, NY
MS, Economics Department
2017 St. John’s University Jamaica, Queens, NY
BA, English Literature and Economics
Summa Cum Laude
Fellowships, Grants, Awards
3-year Prize Fellowship at the New School for Social Research
Awarded the Walter A. Eberstadt Dissertation Fund - $5,000 per semester.
Graduate Teaching Fellow (Instructor of Note)
Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts, New York, NY
Course: History of Economic Thought
Complete responsibility for the course, syllabus design, learning goals, assessments, and
Managed an online platform for group discussion
Graduate Teaching Assistant
New School for Social Research, New York, NY
Course: Advanced Political Economy II (Ph.D. level)
Responsible for teaching labs, organizing syllabi, uploading readings online, and providing background on Neoclassical, Classical, and Macroeconomics (specifically Post-Keynesian Economics) at a Ph.D. level.
Graduate Teaching Assistant
New School for Social Research, New York, NY
Course: Intro to Political Economy (Undergraduate) – 2 sections
Responsible for the labs, uploading reading, proctoring, grading exams, submit final grades. Heavy emphasis on the Marxist tradition of Economics. Fifty-one students total.
Graduate Teaching Assistant
New School for Social Research, New York, NY
Course: Python & Finance Computer Language Workshop
Complete responsibility for the system, syllabus design, learning goals, introducing economic analysis, and financial basics.
Conferences, Workshops, Webinars
“Early Career Days” Young Scholars Initiative, Webinar (Event Organizer)
“I’m an Economist: How Much Coding Should I know?” Early Career Times, Webinar (Event Organizer and Panelist)
“Topics in Urban Development” Eastern Economics Association New York, NY (Presented Paper and Panelist)
Economic Introduction to the Ecological Crisis - Teaching Workshop on Ecological Economics, Webinar (Organizer and Panelist)
Strategies for Transforming Teaching Practices - Teaching Workshop for Young Scholars
(Event Organizer)
History of Economic Thought Conference - Azim Premji University Bengaluru, India
Attended History of Economic Thought Teaching Workshop
MEmberships and Associations
American Economic Association (AEA)
Union for Radical Political Economics (URPE)
American Water Works Association (AWWA)
Young Scholar Initiative (YSI, Organizer)